Monday, January 9, 2012

The 7 Pillars of Wellness

Adam and I spent this past weekend at a wellness workshop. It was called "The 7 Pillars of Wellness" and it was done by Dr. Jerry Duggar and his wife, Tammie (their websites are linked to the right). Overall, it was very informative and we learned a lot.
Here are the 7 pillars of wellness:
Think Well
Eat Well
Drink Well
Sleep Well
Cleanse Well
Move Well
Love Well
It is kind of a lot to take in! So basically the idea is to improve each of those areas to achieve optimal health. Dr. Duggar spoke on each of these pillars and he gave us ideas in how to better each area.
This is going to be the starting point for us. We will attack each of these areas, a little at a time and hopefully we will slowly get healthier and healthier. But this definitely needs to be a slow process. It is way too overwhelming to think we could change all of these things overnight.

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